Its that time of the week again.....Recipe of the week

Hey guys, SeenByGrean here and todays recipe is my all time favourite. It can be sweet or savory and are so easy and quick to make. They can be served anytime during the day! Its.... American Pancakes.

I've adjusted this mixture to me as its also Gluten free! You cant even tell the difference between gluten and non gluten pancakes! They're soft, spongy with a crispy rim around them! I also discovered that you can make different flavours or put different toppings in them for example; I poured the batter in the pan, then placed blueberries on top then flipped!

260g of gluten free flour or 230g plain flour
1tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp of salt
1 egg
380mls of buttermilk( 2 tbsp of vinegar or lemon juice to plain milk, let it sit for around 5 minutes until it starts to clump, use all of the mixture)
1 tsp of sugar

1. Sieve the flour, baking soda and add the salt. Stir altogether with the sugar.
2. Whisk together the buttermilk and the egg
3. Make a well in the center and pour in the wet ingredients. The mix should be thick-ish but still pour-able. Not as thin as a crepe base!
4. With a ladle pour the mix into a hot pan, not too much oil! or else they go soggy! Flip them only when bubbles appear. I wouldnt advise making big ones as it will take long too cook.
5. And there you have it! Homemade pancakes in 10 minutes! Simple!


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