First college experiences..

I, as like many was extremely apprehensive before I started college, the whole not knowing, no plan [everything up in the air] as well as having only a few of my school friends going to the same college as me.

The first day came around and of course my social awkwardness came into play. I was ready to stutter my words, roll them into one sentence and start frantically sweating if somebody asked my name. I also tend to laugh if I'm in some awkward situation, anyone else do that??

The amount of societies I signed up to was too much for my bank account. 5 euro for a food society... sure I figured that was the most profitable one as it would involve getting food but that was sadly not the case.... They talked about food but didn't eat any??

Lecture timetables I've come to realise are not for me....... Times all over the shop, too many places to be, my handbag [ yes I'm trying to be stylish ] slowly but surely about to rip with the wait of my laptop. I decided [the only smart move I made] to finally invest in a new laptop. The word invest signifies paying a lot of money but I wasn't the one who payed for this, that would be my parents, SO to the crew.

Key advice, do not and I mean DO NOT wear shoes that you need to break in prior on the first day of college, that would be a fran type of move.

Public Transport; a thing I never took, but college changes you.. I.. have taken the luas and also .. the bus. Now I have the bus app on my phone, I can track it, I am the bus pro if you could call it that..
I don't think I've ever been so close to the doors of the luas until I head to grafton street at 8am.

'that's the college life' - the saying I haven't said this year as I have literally not left my house .. bar to go get a chocolate bar/ice cream because that's my college life summed up



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