Gluten Free Products- Reviews

Hey Guys, SeenByGrean here. I have recently been diagnosed as coeliac and have tried so many various products, some I've liked others not so much. Supervalu and Tesco are great for so many gluten free products! I know many of you guys are gluten intolerant or coeliac so I thought I would just let you guys know which ones I recommend!

Supervalu own brand products.
Supervalu have such great gluten free own brand products! I really enjoy their own free from white sliced loaf on the right with red wrapping around it. The loafs are quite small however and the crusts can be quite hard but the quality of the bread is of great quality.

Their chocolate fingers I also usually buy too however they are quite high in sugar content which I didn't realise!

Bread I find, Is the hardest change for coeliac's but the bread which I enjoy the most is Bfree's gluten free loaf, brown. Its such a nice texture as well as the crusts. It is also so nice toasted. I buy this loaf in Tesco for 3.15 euros, which isn't too expensive compared to other gluten free foods. Tesco's own brand of pasta is also fabulous! You can barely taste the difference except its not as nice the next day after is all I'd say.

My last product for a substitute of bread are the Bfree wraps! You can have them just as wraps or make taco shells out of them! As wraps they do tend to rip if they are filled up too much other wise they are great toasted! To turn them into taco shells put the oven to 180 degrees and grease them lightly with oil and put them in between the lines of the trays in the oven and curve them to form a taco shells, wait around 8-9 minutes until brown and crisp!

That's all for today, thanks guys, leave me comments to let me know what you think! By the way, you can buy all the products online on the shops websites! or


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