
Hey Guys, SeenByGrean here and its that time of week again................................. Recipe day!
This week's recipe is the quickest and most delicious pasta dish ever! It is now my favourite home made pasta dish!

A homemade Puttanesca (tomato sauce with Worcestershire sauce, sweet chilli sauce, plenty of garlic and oozy mozzarella!)

2 onions- peeled + diced                           
1 Tbsp sugar
1x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
700ml of passata
5 garlic cloves
1 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
500g Mozzarella roughly chopped
handful of chopped basil

Sweat the onions in a saucepan with oil over medium heat. Then once they have softened add the sugar as well as seasoning with salt and pepper. Add the tin of chopped tomatoes and the passata. Simmer it for around 10 minutes. Add the crushed garlic, chilli and Worcestershire Sauce and stir. Leave this to the side while your pasta cooks. When its ready add the mozzarella and basil and cook for 5 minutes and your done!

If you want to add a source of protein I added chopped cooked chicken at the end. I prefer penne pasta with my sauce but it up to your own preference, spaghetti is also nice with it too!

That's it for today, email me at seenbygrean3@gmail .com for queries or questions or comment below.


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