Exam Stress = Less Success

Hey Guys, SeenByGrean here,

Its been a while since I last did a blog post and you're probably wondering why..... I just finished my Leaving Certificate which is the final exam in secondary school before college. I, myself get quite stressed usually with exams however this year wasn't so bad. As a result I decided to share with you some tips about studying in general as well as tips for the leaving certificate. My blog from now on will consist of reviews as well as personal blog posts such as these. I hope you enjoy! If anyone wants any advice or help please leave a message below!

How to study?
It's easy for me to sit here and talk to you about how to study without doing it. Everyone has different methods and it is different for each person. Personally I have found that writing in some way helps to get it into your head! Sometimes I even scribble without looking at what I'm writing just to use the action of writing to learn! it looks weird but trust me it works.

Making notes is key! Write notes for every topic, file them away, come back to them and condense them even further. Some people are visual learners and making mind maps can help for them as well as flash cards with drawings.

For languages such as Irish and Spanish, using voice recordings for learning off words or phrases is very handy, this also relates to English as well with quotes. It seems strange listening to your own voice at first but you get used to it , especially if you find your voice annoying you'll get over it don't worry!

Books that helped me and resources

- Studyclix
- Revise Wise: for Home Economics(Leaving Cert) and Irish (Leaving Certificate), it is okay for biology(L.C) but is missing a few details. R.e, history and home economics (Junior Cert) are great! I ended up getting an A with all those, just reading them.
-Essentials unfolded: Chemistry and Biology (Leaving Certificate). The Biology was a life saver, it included all the experiments and condensed one pagers for every topic, I would definitely recommend getting them!

If anyone needs any help or has questions, type below,


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