
Showing posts from June, 2017

Recipe of the Week

                                            Hey Guys SeenByGrean here, as usual I always post a recipe of the week, this week is my favourite recipe of all time, its great for breakfast and deserts! Cinnamon Buns! This recipe is great,  the water must be luke warm when adding to the yeast remember! Once the yeast has reacted then add the flour and the other liquids. Combine to form a dough and leave for around an hour until risen. Then combine the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon to make a paste to spread on the dough. Roll it together and cut slices. put it in the oven for around 20 minutes in 180 degrees. Hope you enjoy! SeenByGrean          Xo 1 cup milk                                          1 egg, beaten 4 tablespoons melted butter

Exam Stress = Less Success

Hey Guys, SeenByGrean here, Its been a while since I last did a blog post and you're probably wondering why..... I just finished my Leaving Certificate which is the final exam in secondary school before college. I, myself get quite stressed usually with exams however this year wasn't so bad. As a result I decided to share with you some tips about studying in general as well as tips for the leaving certificate. My blog from now on will consist of reviews as well as personal blog posts such as these. I hope you enjoy! If anyone wants any advice or help please leave a message below! How to study? It's easy for me to sit here and talk to you about how to study without doing it. Everyone has different methods and it is different for each person. Personally I have found that writing in some way helps to get it into your head! Sometimes I even scribble without looking at what I'm writing just to use the action of writing to learn! it looks weird but trust me it works.